Exercise has many health benefits, one of which increases the body's metabolism. But sometimes because you are too busy doing activities, you don't have time to exercise. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) can be a solution for you who have a dense activity. HIIT is a cardio training method that can be done in a short time, approximately 10-30 minutes in one exercise. After doing this exercise, the body's metabolism will increase and the body will continue to burn fat, even when resting. Various Benefits of HIIT for Health HIIT combines high-intensity and low-intensity exercises alternately. For example, brisk walking for 30 seconds, then interspersed with a leisurely walk for 30 seconds. HIIT is suitable for people who are just starting to exercise and for those who are used to sports. There are various health benefits of HIIT, such as strengthening muscles, increasing body metabolism, reducing body weight, reducing stress levels, burning calories, and reducing...