Many things that make some women feel uncomfortable during menstruation. Complaints such as itching, stinging, and unpleasant odor of vaginal discharge have become a problem that is often experienced by women. Could be, these complaints arise because of vaginal hygiene during menstruation is not maintained. A healthy vagina should be odorless, itchy, and not reddish in the vulva. In fact, the vagina tends to become more moist during menstruation. The closed female area is vulnerable to making the vagina moist and makes bacteria and fungus multiply easily. As a result, women will more easily experience vaginal itching and vaginal discharge. In addition to these two complaints, uncontrolled fungal growth in the vagina can also cause redness, pain during urination or sexual intercourse, rashes, itching, and vaginal swelling. Causes of Itching and Vaginal discharge Although it happens quite often, vaginal itching and vaginal discharge during menstruation should not be underestimated....